The Auctioning of Block 7023
The structure has been declared a hazardous one around 20 years ago and since several plans have been submitted for restoration and construction. It’s not protected under the “structures for preservation” category.
Locality: King Feissal Street, Jaffa. 2. Categor y of property : Mulk. 3. Description of property:
Built by Tawfiq Atallah on then King Feissal St., the plot of land was sized 509 square meters. Plans were submitted for approval by the Atallah Brothers Architect Engineers in 1939. The building consisted of 6 large shops on the ground floor, above them two additional floors each containing 4 rooms, a kitchen a bathroom and “2 water closets one of the European style and one of the Arab style”. This, according to an auctioning notice in the Palestine Gazette, April 18th, 1940. The owner was sued by the mortgage lenders for the sum of £P . 3,000, and the District Court of Jaffa ruled in the favour of the mortgagees - The Gresham Life Assurance Society LTD.”